Friday 8 December 2017

Filming day 4

Because this was after my leg injury we decided that it was best that i stayed back in school and carried on whit other school work as i was on crutches and due to our location being very remote it would of been very difficult and there was a chance that if i slipped on the rocks that i would of damaged it even more which i didn't really want. Below are some of the pictures that were taken on that day of filming

Thursday 7 December 2017

Contingency Plan

Halfway through filming i unfortnuately broke my lower fibula which means i am unable to walk unassited for atleast a month, so this tragedy has messed up a couple of plans for our music video. As I am unable to walk properley there is no way I would be able to walk and hold a camera, so Oliver the editor of our group has stepped in to do that role and I will step in and do some editing of the video. For the video we were going to use my car due to its aestheitcs but because I can't drive it there is no way that it can be used because no one else in the group is insured on it and would cost abit more to have this done and our aim is not to have to spend to much money.

Friday 1 December 2017

audience profile questionnaire

Group’s roles

My role
My role in the group is the equiptment manager and cinematographer, due to me having a variety of filming devices, we decided that I took care of the equiptment and was in charge that everything was charged and prepared for filming every time we needed it. Due to me also having an experince with the camera and underantidng the technology and the way it works it was decided that I was the cinematogrpaher who is in charge of the filming and selects the appopriate camere, film, stock, lens and filter to realize the scene in accordance with the intentions of the director. I am happy with the role that I have as I enjoy operating the camera.
Josh's role
Josh is the director as he is very organised which is a good attibute for a dircetor to have. The definition of a director is someone who is a perosn who leads or supervises a company, program, or project. we all decided that josh would be the best person for this role as he is head boy he is very confident in leading people.
Ollie's role
Ollie is the editor as he has alot of experince with the Adobe premire pro which is the editing softawre that we are using in the production of out video. We could all do abit of the editing but due to ollies experince he is the most efficeint and knows alot of good tricks to make the footage the best quality it could be.
Alex's role
Alex is the male actor in our film as he wanted to do it and he also fits the stereotype that we wanted in out video. we were going to ask another person to do it to begin with but due to people having other commitments alex was the best option for us as he is a good actor and likes to be in camera.