Wednesday 15 November 2017

Cast list

In or video we have chosen to use 2 characters a male and a female. the narrative will be about the relationship between the two and mainly focus from his point of view.We've had to make a couple of changes to our cast due to other commitments                                   

The male character was originally going to be played by Casey Deeks but due to other commitments clashing with filming times we decided that he couldn't be in it. As a group we decided that the male portagonist would be played by Alex Newbold, Alex is also a member of our group so its alot easier for his availability for when we need to film.

The girl in our video was originally gonna be played by Rosie Pope but as she attends a different school it would of been very difficult to organise the times and days for filming. It was quite hard to get a female for filming who as highly available so it wouldn't of been to much of a problem. We finally decided that Jade Evans a pupil from the same school and also studies media but is a year below would of been a suitable fit for the role would be featured as the female in the film. Jades also had a lot of previous acting experiences so this was another bonus for us.

We were originally going to use Casey Deeks and Rosie Pope in our video as they were already in a relationship but due to some confusions and other commitments in free time to film we selected Jade and Alex

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