Thursday 16 November 2017

location scouting

The 3 outdoors loacations we've chosen to film at are Porthcawl, Ogmore by sea and Southerdown. All of these locations are accesible by a 20-30 minute car ride. 
Porthcawl is a very familiar location to us as its a popluar seaside town with a variety of activites and shops located close to the front. We have decided to use this location to film some scenes in the evening as it would be good to show the relationship in this way. In porthcawl we can film with the drone if the wind isnt to strong, we can also film insdie the funfair thats located close to the beach which would also be a good way to represent the relationship. The pier is also accesible to film on and would be good to have drone shots of the light house there but when we got there the winds where to high to fly it. 
Ogmore by sea
Ogmore by sea is also a very popular beach thats close to porthcawl, it is also one of the easiest beaches to get to regarding parking. It can become popular in the summer but due to it being winter it can be vacant which is good for us when we are filming as people in the background have the potetntial to mess us the continuity. The only negative aspect of this location is that it can become very windy due to it being on the sea front so drone shots would be very difficult to film in this location.
When we went ot southerdown the whole group agreed that we were definetley going to use this location and get the majoirty of our shots there. There were a good variety of heights due to the cliffs and alos being able to go onto the beach and stay close to the sea. We visited southerdown in poor conditions but after discussing the thought of our music video we came to the conclusion that they were actually good conditions for filming as it reflected the mood. Only bad part is that we wouldnt of been able to film with the drone in those conditions.This was also a vacant area and wouldnt have to worry about people in the background getting in the way or mesing up the continuity. 

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