Friday 30 March 2018

Evaluation question 3: What have you learned from audience feedback

We mainly got out audience feedback from the showcase evening that was for family and friends to watch our videos. after the videos were shown there was a voting slip handed out to everyone, after the votes were counted, it was announced that we won the best music video, was also got voted by the teachers for the best editing.

We also gained feeback throughout the planning and editing stages which had a big impact on our final product. when editing we used our teacher for alot of the feedback and other pupils in our class. it was also very important to gain a suitbale audience profile for the music video, so they would be more of a primary audience, not a secondary and tertairy which links to tunstalls theory.

Luckily one of the members of the audience allowed us to film her giving us feedback. here it is below.

In the showcase evening we also had our digipaks and album covers on display and some comments that I overheard were complimenting how professional they looked, and how the synergy between the products was obvious due to locations in the background and the colour themes.

The feedback we gained was very useful to us as it highlighted the areas we are the strongest in, whether it was the representation of the relationship breaking up etc. the feedback also pointed out areas to improve like showing more of his mental health issues and how to possibly represent something like that in future projects.

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