Thursday 28 September 2017

Existing A level media music videos

This music video has met one of the codes on conventions in the intro and outro by using the record label. I liked this music video due to the fast paced editing and the usage of smooth transitions are very effective, fast cuts matches the style of the song. the narrative isn't very clear in this video because of the fast editing. some of the shots do drag on abit to long which could off been made shorter to include more information about the narrative.

I also really like this music video and it has a sense of professionalism to it, the only thing i have a problem with is the usage of time lapses as there is 4 of them within the first 30 seconds. the narrative in the video is good and they include good lip synced segments into the video.

I didn't enjoy doing this music video as there is no narrative and is mostly lip syncing and dancing, some of the locations are random and don't flow, there is a lot juxtaposing between locations and the time of day, this doesn't make it very enjoyable to watch.

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