Sunday 10 September 2017

Time Managment Plan

September - Research

In September I aim to complete these blog posts for the research section

  • Existing  A Level Music Video Research
  • Brief history of music videos illustrate with images and videos
  • Identify and illustrate the conventions of a music video
  • Audience questionnaire and profile

October - Planning

In October I hope to complete the planning section with the blog posts such as

  • Storyboard for the music video
  • Shot list for the music video
  • Casting/location shots
  • Props we may use in the music video
  • Produce a contingency plan for filming
November - Production

In November I plan to be in the production stage of the final product
  • I need to create a filming diary to keep me on track
  • Identify group roles
  • Blog post for order of filming
  • Blog post to discuss changes when filming
December - Production/Post Production

In December i plan to finish all the filming that may of carried on from November and potentially have a first draft edited
  • Finish all filming
  • Have a first edit to see if we need to re film scenes due to continuity errors or film new scenes we can add
January - Ancillary tasks Research, Planning and Production

In January I hope to research, plan and produce my ancillary tasks which are a digipak and magazine advert. i will also be filming more scenes that we need to include but my main focus will be my ancillary tasks
  • Research the term digipak and brief history
  • Research iconic album covers and relevance to the song/artist
  • Create a plan for both tasks followed by a draft
  • Produce the final products
February - Post production

In February i hope all the filming will be complete and we will be able to put together a final product
  • Look at 1st draft and ask for feedback from peers/teachers on how to improve
  • List of changes with justifications to the edited 1st draft
  • 2nd draft edit and a detailed annotation from peers/teachers to improve the final product
  • List of changes with justification to the edited 2nd draft

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